FAQs Complain Problems

नगरपालिका सूचना

Monitoring for the declaration of open defecation free wards.

भीमेश्वर नगरपालिका वडा नं १,३,४,५,६,७,९,१०,१२ र १३ मा नगरस्तरिय अनुगमन समितिबाट सौचालय भए नभएको सन्दर्भमा निरिक्षण सम्पन्न भयो | अनुगमन समितिबाट वडा नं १ र १० बाहेक अन्य केहि वडाहरूमा सामान्य सुधार गरी खुल्ला दिसामुक्त वडा घोषणा गर्न सिफारिस गरिएको छ |

Public Hearing Program, 071 Falgun 29, Champuja, Dolakha.

यही आ. ब. ०७१/७२ भीनपा वडा नं. २, ३ र ४ मा उपभोक्ता समिति एवं निर्माण ब्यबसायीहरुबाट कार्वान्वयन भएका/गरिने योजनाहरुको प्रभावकारिता/पारदर्शिता बिषयमा नपाका कार्यकारी अधिकृत संजय बहादुर राजलवटको अध्यक्षतामा र्सार्वजनिक सुनुवाई कार्यक्रम यहि मिति ०७१ फाल्गुण २९ गते भी.न.पा.

New location of Bhimwshwor Municipality Office.

This is to notify that Bhimeshwor Municipality Office has moved to its own builduing located in ward no. 1 near Gaurishakar Campus from 25th Falgun, 2071.



Training to mason on earthquake resistance building construction.

Training to mason on earthquake resistance building construction has been organised by Bhimeshwor Municipality, Urban Development and Building Construction Division Kavre and NSET dated 24th February to 28th February, 2015

Memorandum of understanding for implementation of building code.

There has been a memorandum of understanding between Bhimeshwor Municipality, Urban Development and Building Construction Division Kavre and NSET on 8th February, 2015 for the implementation of building code.
