FAQs Complain Problems

नगरपालिका सूचना

Annual policy and programme publication.

It is to notify that Bhimeshwor Municipality is going to publish its annual policy and programme on 28th Poush, 2071 at 11AM at DDC Conference hall, Charikot.

Orientation program on "Child-Friendly Local Governance".

Orientation program on "Child-Friendly Local Governance" Venue: Hotel Shailung, Charikot Time: 11:00am-5:00pm Date: 2071 Mansir 12 & 13.

Audit Notice for FY 2070/71.

सूचना ! सूचना !! सूचना !!!

प्रथम पटक प्रकाशित मिति २०७१/०८/०९

Annual Review, FY 2070/71

Annual Review Meeting of FY 2070/71 is being conducted at Hotel Shailung, Charikot on 28th Kattik 2071

Mr. Sanjay Bahadur Rajlawat as an Executive Officer of Bhimeshwor Municipality.

Mr. Sanjay Bahadur Rajlawat has officially joined Bhimeshwor Municipality as an Executive Officer from September 18, 2014.
