It is to notify that Bhimeshwor Municipality is going to publish its annual policy and programme on 28th Poush, 2071 at 11AM at DDC Conference hall, Charikot.
Orientation program on "Child-Friendly Local Governance" Venue: Hotel Shailung, Charikot Time: 11:00am-5:00pm Date: 2071 Mansir 12 & 13.
सूचना ! सूचना !! सूचना !!!
प्रथम पटक प्रकाशित मिति २०७१/०८/०९
Annual Review Meeting of FY 2070/71 is being conducted at Hotel Shailung, Charikot on 28th Kattik 2071
Mr. Sanjay Bahadur Rajlawat has officially joined Bhimeshwor Municipality as an Executive Officer from September 18, 2014.